The “Free-Speech Twitter” PSYOP

It’s never a very enjoyable experience, facing the fact that you’ve been bamboozled. Realizing that you’ve fallen prey to an elaborate con, or PYSOP, is painful. It’s embarrassing. People feel ashamed. No one likes to see themselves as a sucker. It’s humiliating. It makes people angry. It makes them want to lash out at someone.

The funny thing is, it usually isn’t the person who conned them that they want to lash out at. Doing that would only make them feel more ashamed. No, typically, who people want to lash out at, when they finally realize that they’ve been bamboozled, are the people who didn’t get bamboozled along with them, and who tried to warn them that they were being bamboozled.

This phenomenon is occurring right now. I know this, because a certain sector of my readers are angrily unsubscribing from my Substack, and unfollowing me on Twitter, and so on. This happens more or less every time that people start to realize I was right about some PSYOP or con that I warned them about … Russiagate, Covid, and now “free-speech Twitter,” or “X,” or whatever we’re calling it today.

Yes, that’s right, the jig is up. The bloom is off the rose. The cat is out of the bag. The party is over. The thrill is gone. Folks are finally starting to realize that “free-speech Twitter” was an elaborate con (or a PSYOP, depending on how paranoid you are), and they’re none too happy about this realization.

So, they’re taking it out on blasphemers like me who tried to warn them about The Emperor Elonicus, and how the Twitter Files was a textbook limited hangout, and who pointed out how Musk shut it down as soon as it had served its purpose, and who referred to some of them as “Musk cultists,” and “suckers,” and who tweeted sarcastic Tweets like this …

But I’m not writing this column to whine about that. It’s part of human nature. I get it.

I’m writing this column because, maybe, now that folks are starting to face the fact that the whole “free-speech Twitter” thing was an elaborate con, or a trap, or a PSYOP, maybe, now, they can knock off the “Elon is our savior!” crap and try to pay attention to what is actually happening.

Here’s an example of what is actually happening …

Here’s a link to that Tweet with a recording of the Spaces thing. It’s Linda Yaccarino, X CEO, explaining how the new censorship system works. And here’s my favorite Yaccarino quote:

“Since acquisition, we have built brand-safety and content-moderation tools that have never before existed at this company. And we’ve introduced a new policy to [address?] your specific point about hate speech, called “Freedom of speech, not reach.”

What she’s talking about is the future of Internet censorship. Not the ham-fisted government-initiated censorship that people tend to think of when they think about censorship. Corporate censorship. “Free-market” censorship. What she’s talking about is the virtually imperceptible moment-by-moment manipulation of social-media content, search engine results, “reference” platforms like Wikipedia, everything most people see on the Internet. The corp-speak term is “visibility filtering.”

From now on, instead of being suspended or deplatformed — which is bad PR, and only draws more attention to the deplatformed party — dissident voices will be “deamplified.” We will be “free” to post whatever we like, but we will be talking to no one, in a digital void, which most people won’t even know exists. “Red/blue” culture-war mud-slinging content, and other such harmless entertainment that keeps the masses infuriated and at each other’s throats, will of course be allowed, and will be “amplified” and “monetized.” But any serious form of political dissent or deviation from official narratives will be labelled “hate speech,” “disinformation,” “malinformation,” or simply “unhealthy.” Corporations like X, Meta, Alphabet, and Tencent will decide what is “healthy.” They will do so with algorithms, but not only with algorithms.

Here’s Linda Yaccarino again, talking to CNBC this time …

“… X is committed to encouraging healthy behavior … 99.9% of all impressions are healthy … and we have an extraordinary team of people who are overseeing, hands on keyboards, monitoring, all day, every day, to make sure that that 99.9% of impressions remain at that number.”

I don’t know how much clearer she could make it. A team. Of people. Monitoring everything. Moment by moment. Every day. Not some badly-written algorithm. Not some secret cabal of mutinous Wokesters sabotaging Elon’s vision. Not the FBI. Not the CIA. Not the WEF. Not the Rothschilds. Just Twitter. Just X.

This isn’t one of my “conspiracy theories.” There is absolutely nothing secret about it. It’s all explained right here, and here, and here, and here, on the Twitter Safety blog.

Here’s one of the interstitial labels that Twitter might put on your “unhealthy” Tweet before they “deamplify” it into oblivion.

See! Twitter is, like, totally committed to transparency!

Of course, you have nothing to worry about if you are tweeting (or Xing?) “healthy” content. That “extraordinary Twitter-Safety team” that is monitoring everything “all day, every day,” would never “deamplify,” or “visibility-filter,” or otherwise censor political speech that isn’t “hate speech,” or … you know, use one of those interstitial labels to maliciously defame some troublesome author by deceiving people into thinking he was tweeting child pornography or graphic violent content, like bestiality, or necrophilia, or some other type of “age-restricted adult content,” as Twitter was doing to me until May of this year.

I’m just joking, of course. They’re going to keep doing that. Not to me anymore, not that way. (After I embarrassed Ella Irwin publicly, they removed the fake labels and just deamplified me.) But they are going to keep doing it to other people. And not just X. All the corporations. They are going to keep “visibility filtering,” and “deamplifying,” and vaporizing dissent, and there is currently nothing we can do about it.

Meanwhile, we (i.e., the “Free Speech Movement”) will be celebrating our “victory” over the bad apples in government who were forcing the poor, helpless global corporations to censor everyone until we took them to court and made them stop with our democratic rights! Then we’ll all live happily ever after!

I don’t mean to shit on my friends and colleagues who are fighting hard against government censorship. At least they’re actually achieving something, while I’m just sitting here running my mouth. And the fight against government censorship is important. It is vitally important. And it has to be fought. I support it wholeheartedly, and I applaud them for fighting it. But it isn’t going to change what’s happening.

What’s happening is, GloboCap, or Corporatism, or whatever you want to call the network of global corporations, governments, media, non-governmental governing entities, investment banks, global health authorities, academia, the culture industry, and other such entities that together comprise the decentralized system of power and ideology that is currently running the entire planet … whatever you want to call that, it’s going totalitarian.

It has been going totalitarian, more or less openly, for the better part of the last three years. I’ve been covering this transition for quite a while now, and I have reiterated my analysis in many of my essays, and I published a book about it, which is possibly going to get me sent to prison here in Germany, so I’m not going to rehash it all again here (which should come as a relief to my regular readers). If you’re new to my work, you can read the book, or my essays, which are all on my blog and my Substack.

For now, trust me, we are going totalitarian. That’s what all the “visibility filtering” is about. That’s what the “cancel culture” is about. That’s what all the mindless mass hysteria and the demonization and criminalization of dissent is about.

It’s what the “Free-Speech Twitter” PSYOP is about. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter whether Elon Musk even knows what he is doing. The system that he is an integral part of is evolving. Musk will help it evolve or he will be replaced by someone who will help it evolve. Musk, Yaccarino, Zuckerberg, Pichai, Gates, Klaus Schwab, Wang Zhonglin, or pick your evil mastermind! These people, notwithstanding their very real power, are just components of a system, a global system, a system that is evolving toward totalitarianism, because it doesn’t really have anything else to do.

I do not know how to stop this from happening, this evolution of global capitalism into a new form of totalitarianism, but one thing that occurs to me is, it might help matters if we slowed down a bit and tried to actually understand what is happening, like in the broader, historical, systemic sense, and maybe didn’t chomp down on every little piece of red-meat bait that gets dangled in our faces, and then whipped up into a frenzy over whatever the visibility-filtering team at Twitter, or X, or Meta, or Alphabet, or some other corporation, wants us whipped up over.

Oh, and, maybe, next time some self-aggrandizing global-capitalist military contractor comes riding into town like Billionaire Jesus to save us from his buddies in the proverbial Big Club — you know, the one that you ain’t in — maybe folks could take a moment and at least hear me out before they start prostrating themselves at his feet.

I’m not right about everything, of course, but I seem to be doing OK with this PSYOP stuff.


CJ Hopkins
August 14, 2023

DISCLAIMER: The preceding essay is entirely the work of our in-house satirist and self-appointed political pundit, CJ Hopkins, and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Consent Factory, Inc., or its staff, or any of its agents, subsidiaries, or assigns. If, for whatever inexplicable reason, you appreciate Mr. Hopkins’ work and would like to support it, please go to his Substack page, or his Patreon page, or send a contribution to his PayPal account, so that maybe he’ll stop coming around our offices trying to hit our employees up for money. Alternatively, you could purchase his satirical dystopian sci-fi novel, Zone 23, or Volumes I, II, and III of his Consent Factory Essays, or any of his subversive stage plays, which won some awards in Great Britain and Australia. If you do not appreciate Mr. Hopkins’ work and would like to write him an abusive email, feel free to contact him directly.

13 thoughts on “The “Free-Speech Twitter” PSYOP

  1. Mailing lists and online forums are a good idea. To expect assistance from any corporate platform is naive, I know you know that CJ , on being in touch with others the real world still exists offline, and that’s where the Borg faces its greatest challenge the universe is more verse than Meta.
    Frances leader posted a good substack the other day saying the same sorts of things from a different angle the amplified as opposed to the amplifiers.
    I am deeply suspicious of ALL big accounts here on Substack and especially any of the more glamorous, video-making bunch who also happen to have Twitter and/or Facebook accounts.

    The distribution channels are corporate owned what is required is the cyber equivalent of a farmers market Ola Bini has made this there is also the Discourse platform for forums coded by the guy that wrote STack exchange, just inverted to encourage discussion

    I used to hang out in Guitar forums some years back I was studying guitar and thought people frequented them to learn to play and exchange tips, couldn’t have been further from the truth.
    Freedom Fighting on the web is like a guitar forum its like WIttgenstiens line, People are looking for Sham corbells not explanations.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’ve read the Twitter Rules.
    Remains to be seen, how they are going to be applied, but it seems they are not excessively vague.
    Could you point out which ones, in your view, could be used for censoring political speech and how it could look like.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. If anyone has ever read my comments before, you will know that I rant against the numerous expositions, here and elsewhere, about what is wrong. And I do this because there is a dreadful, frightening deficit of practical strategies to fight it. I’ve ranted against CJ for this reason. CJ is great at telling us what’s wrong and freakin’ useless at telling us what we might do about it. He’s a bit like a safety valve, someone who lets off steam. That’s useless. All that CJ has succeeded in doing is getting himself prosecuted.

    So this paragraph by CJ today is important: ‘I do not know how to stop this from happening, this evolution of global capitalism into a new form of totalitarianism, but one thing that occurs to me is, it might help matters if we slowed down a bit and tried to actually understand what is happening, like in the broader, historical, systemic sense…’

    If this is an admission that we have to actually DO something then hooray. But then the trouble is that we probably don’t have a useful historical example to work with. History is useless, because it pre-dates the internet, and AI, and the global confluence of NGOs, and SGOs (Supra-Governmental Organisations), and the unfettered emission of credit which is buying everyone while at the same time destroying personal savings. The totalitarianism we are facing now is unprecedented. Are we on our own here, with no historical examples of successful resistance against tyranny that could actually be relevant to what we are facing?

    Something I am 100% certain of is that there is no help coming from outside the system. The totalitarianism is now distributed and global and there isn’t going to be anywhere to get away from it, and nobody is “out there” to ride to our rescue.

    Perhaps we could find and study societies in the past which faced up to and overcame totalitarianism without outside help. Were there any? The only one I can think of is the United States, and look what has happened there.

    Maybe humans are destined to always fall under tyranny. Maybe Dainel Hannan is right and the last 200 years were a mere interglacial, a brief shaft of light in the darkness. It is possible that we are going to lose this fight. We will certainly lose if we don’t find a winning stratey soon. I reckon we’ve got 6 months to find a strategy and maybe 3 years to implement it. Tops.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. But you forget that Totalitarianism is impossible. They can try, but they will be forced to become brutal, very brutal, to deal with the likes of us. That will destroy the illusion. After that, it will just be a collection of brutal dictatorships waring against each other with us as tools. That horror we know well enough to devise some sort of strategy of resistance.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Musk admitted (BBC) he was forced to buy Twitter thanks to an impetuous decision. He is now up against business and EU censorship not the FBI. If he wants to retrieve some money he must play along. He employed a shameless American corporate female to negotiate and deflect criticism from him.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. David Bowie employed an American woman (Coco Schwab) to be his guard dog/enforcer and frighten everyone away from his door. When he had a problem with his band Coco would approach the offender and say ‘David didn’t like that, he wants you to do this’.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. ” . . . it usually isn’t the person who conned them that they want to lash out at. . . . No, typically, who people want to lash out at . . . are the people who didn’t get bamboozled along with them, and who tried to warn them . . .”.


    Because of power differentials. Those around them can be attacked. Those above them cannot, are remote and can punish them. Chimpanzee Politics – it hasn’t changed.

    The card trick was to get people hooked on social media, then apply the pre-planned censorship.

    Alternatively . . .

    “In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely” – Hunter S. Thompson.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. CJ, I believe you are performing an important role just by calling out the limited hangouts and the many efforts being made that undermine freedom of speech. I appreciate what you are doing and I have no doubt that many others here do as well.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. @michaelistrulymyname:

    So, let me give you a small advice “from the historical resistance” that is more than 30 years old:
    Do never ever talk about a “we”. This is a construct to lead you nowhere.
    There is no such thing as a “we” as in “we should…”
    There exists only one thing:

    “I will…”

    You do not even need to talk about it.

    Basically you already know it as CJ knows it as all the other people on the internet know it:
    Stop feeding the machine.
    CJ complains about twitter but he IS on twitter.

    A real awful lot of people use machines and feed them with data and have absolutely no idea what is happening with their
    “Human created input” and the “value” of it.

    Here is a very recent study of how and why the internet will contaminate itself to death by ai:

    Click to access 2307.01850.pdf

    It shows what you and I knew from the get go but many people never executed:

    Just stop feeding it.

    You knew it.
    Just stop asking others about what you already knew from your heart.

    Just f*in do it and stick to it.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. @Horse
    Your advice sounds like an order when you say ‘Just f*in do it and stick to it’.
    I don’t take orders from people I’ve never met and know nothing about. How dare you presume to order me about?

    Putting that to one side, your advice is (1) to never talk about “we”; and (2) that only one thing exists: “I will” – and (3) that I should not talk about it; and (4) to stop feeding the machine, and (5) to stop asking others about what I already know from my heart.
    I completely disagree with you.
    The big risk we face lies in this part of my post: ‘Something I am 100% certain of is that there is no help coming from outside the system. The totalitarianism is now distributed and global and there isn’t going to be anywhere to get away from it, and nobody is “out there” to ride to our rescue.’
    Your advice distils into doing nothing and just letting the totalitarians win.
    What a useless piece of advice that is.
    Your advice reinforces my crucial point, my thesis, my cris de coeur, that there are numerous analyses of the problem presented by the tyrants, and bugger all practical suggestions about how to fight back against them.

    Here’s another example of just how useless the bleatings about the current situation are. For the first time I have bought one of Vernon Coleman’s books (yes, I know). It’s called ‘Their Terrifying Plan’ and it’s in 4 parts. Part 1 is called ‘How things are’ and has 88 pages describing lots of horrible things about the current situation. Part 2 is called ‘Interlude’ and has 4 pages listing quotations from Orwell to Lenin, all of which read well and none of which contain any practical remedies. Part 3 is called ‘How things got the way they are’ and is a 61 page summary of key events which Coleman thinks have led to the current situation. The summary is just over 2 pages. Part 4 of the book is called ‘Here’s what you can do’. It is just over 1 page. It tells the reader to buy more copies of Coleman’s book and give them away.

    That’s it. The only practical suggestion in all those pages is to buy more copies of the book.

    @Horse, you are part of an enormous problem which is that a lot of people can see that we face a future of tyranny but nobody is suggesting any practical remedies.

    [But thanks for the link to the paper ‘Self-Consuming Generative Models Go MAD’ which is quite interesting]

    Liked by 1 person

  10. A dark storm is approaching?

    What idea can a psychopath like Klaus Schwab have of light if he knows only darkness?

    Whatsoever he will think of light will remain a form of darkness.

    Klaus Schwab knows only darkness.

    Therefore he can only unconsciously create more darkness.

    In his darkness ‘The Great Reset’ is his WEF master plan, it is his eugenicist dark symbol.

    Remember the significance of the symbol.

    If you don’t choose a right symbol, then life will become diabolic, it will become disintegrated, fragmentary.

    The opposite of symbolic is diabolic.

    The symbol draws people together and generates action.

    The diabolic is what pulls apart and enervates.

    Without a true symbol creating unity and involvement, people slip into diabolic apathy.

    Apathy creates sleep and an illusion as if the problems are being solved.

    But they are not being solved.

    When you don’t have symbols you start disintegrating.

    Humanity cannot live without symbols.

    A symbol is a seed, a creative seed.

    A consciously selected symbol is a center around which you can become truly integrated.

    A symbol can create a new vision, a new perspective, a new world.

    Yet Klaus Schwab is unconsciously living in darkness, for the simple reason that he believes that through his darkness he will attain one day to the highest power and position of ruling the earth.

    To become a demigod and rule for a thousand years… blah, blah, blah!!!

    But what is he going to do with the highest power and position?

    Once he has reached to the highest globalist throne he will then have nowhere else to go.

    He will be really caught by his own efforts, in a prison of his own mind.

    Which he could realize this very moment, if he only had intelligence!

    He should live in the present with deep passion, with great love, with intensity, with awareness, and that will become his intelligence, here-now.

    To be in the mind is to be unintelligent.

    To be beyond the mind is to be intelligent.

    Intelligence is not the quality of the mind at all.

    Intelligence arises only when the mind has been discarded.

    When the mind has been put aside, intelligence arises.

    Mind is blocking the fountain of intelligence like a rock.

    Mind is always mediocre, mind is always stupid, unintelligent.

    The idiot can be very clever, can be a great expert, can accumulate much knowledge, can have many, many degrees, PhD’s and D.Litts and so on, so forth.

    But the idiot remains the idiot.

    It does not make any difference.

    The idiot only becomes more and more dangerous.

    What to do with Klaus Schwab?

    Once you destroy economic freedom, political freedom disappears; and when political freedom disappears, religious freedom disappears.

    They are all connected together.

    If freedom is to exist in the world, it has to exist in its multi-dimensions, religious, political, economic.

    It cannot exist only as political, it cannot exist only as economic.

    Freedom is one phenomenon.

    It has multi-dimensions to it, but they are all interlinked.

    Just think of a country which allows no economic freedom.

    How can it be politically free?

    That’s why Marxism cannot create freedom.

    It creates “equality”.

    Equality means people’s freedom to be unequal has been taken away.

    The most fundamental error that Karl Marx committed was that he was not at all aware of the psychological inequality of human beings.

    And a fair and free world has to give people full freedom to be unequal, to move into their own talents, to be themselves.

    Equality means people who can earn more, who have the talents to earn more, will not be allowed to earn more.

    And there are people who have the talents.

    Capitalism is the natural evolution of human society.

    If people become rich, they create wealth, they create capital, they create richness.

    Your whole stupid idea of enslaving the world through digital Marxism, is puerile, unconscious and misguided.

    You are so small and retarded, and the world is so vast, there is no possibility of your ever being the one true world president ruling over the whole earth, that is only your petty delusion.

    The word “alienation” comes from a Latin root, alienare, which means “to make strange or to separate what once was united.”

    Why do you hate humanity so much that you wish to destroy and cripple its evolution?

    It is only out of fear that a person wants power.

    It is to hide one’s fear that a person becomes interested in power-trips.

    You want great power so that you can feel that there is no fear, “at least not for me.”

    And because you live in fear, you are now creating a whole world full of paranoia, suffering and pain, and a fearful humanity.

    You want to be the big man.

    Let me tell you, you are not.

    You are a traitor to humanity.

    I know you are constantly trembling inside.

    To hide that trembling, you need constantly great world powers around yourself, listening to you, only then can your fears subside.

    Remember, you can never have any idea of your real self through your unreal self.

    The unreal has to cease for the real to be.

    The unreal has to go absolutely.

    All meditation is the search for this intelligence.

    Drop your demigod wet dream of global domination.

    Intelligence and stupidity are not separate energies.

    The same energy functioning in harmony is intelligence, functioning in contradictions is stupidity.

    Stupid people are many, the majority, ninety-nine point nine percent.

    They have a great power with them, the power of violence, and they show it whenever it is needed.

    Yuval Harari is such a person and a complete unconscious idiot, get rid of all these stupid people?

    His views on A.I are laughable, deranged.

    A.I. can not be intelligence, as it can never become conscious, it can never become alive.

    Consciousness is life itself, not circuit boards!

    Intelligence is consciousness.

    Remember, a computer can be very efficient, but a computer is not intelligent.

    Never think that intelligence and efficiency are synonymous, intelligence is a totally different phenomenon.

    Efficiency is not intelligence, it is mechanical expertise.

    Down the ages you will find thousands of geniuses with very bad memory and thousands of people who had tremendous memory with no intelligence at all, because memory and intelligence come from different sources.

    Memory is part of the mind, intelligence is part of no-mind.

    Intelligence is part of your consciousness and memory is part of your brain.

    The brain can be trained, that’s what universities go on doing.

    All your examinations are tests for your memory, not for your intelligence.

    Your level of delusion is bound to create some kind of neurosis, schizophrenia, some kind of great paranoia, because if you are so lost in your mental illness, so lost in your Marxist ideological fantasies, then in reality, you are bound to be against humanity and this whole world.

    Yet this same energy redirected could make this earth a paradise.

    Small changes sometimes bring great revolutions.

    Wake up, Klausss!!!


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