Mr. Mike’s Mondo Imbroglio, or: How Not to Launch a Global Anti-Censorship Movement

So, I’ve been excommunicated from Michael Shellenberger’s global anti-censorship movement. It’s my own fault. I was sowing dissension. I engaged in harmful speech in the group chat. I was making people feel uncomfortable. I was not playing ball. I was not with the program.

The program, as you may recall, was launched in Westminster, London, in June, when Mike and Matt Taibbi and Russell Brand exposed the Censorship Industrial Complex …

… for 35 pounds sterling a head.

My readers may recall this piece I published about the secret gathering of journalists, authors, artists, academics, and activists that took place after that public event. I couldn’t say too much about it at the time, as we were operating under strict OPSEC protocols, and had taken oaths of silence, and so on, which, being excommunicated, I am no longer bound by. I’m still going to be a little cagey, however, as there are a lot of people involved in Mike’s movement who I like and respect, and I don’t want to harm them with my dissension-sowing any more than necessary.

Also, before I make fun of Mike, and share my somewhat more serious thoughts about how not to launch “a free-speech movement,” I want to make it clear that I still support this campaign, and any other anti-censorship campaign, regardless of how flawed or supercilious it may be.

All right, let’s get down to it, shall we?

Mike’s movement is preparing to publish a declaration. It’s a good declaration. I contributed to it. I signed it, although my name will not appear on it now, as Mike has threatened to remove it if I published a piece like this. Mike is an extremely smart guy, but he doesn’t seem to get that I don’t respond well to threats … or, rather, that this is how I respond to threats. Or, who knows? Maybe he actually wanted me to publish this piece, and goaded me into it, which, I can see how that could be a shrewd PR move.

In any event, it’s a good declaration (or it was the last time I had access to it). There is nothing wrong with the declaration. What has taken up most of the last three months of the coalition’s time and energy, and has led to my excommunication, is the hunt for Very Important Persons to be included as signatories when the declaration is released.

Apparently, the way it works with such declarations and “open letters,” and so on, is that you write up your declaration or letter and then you try to get selected big shots to sign it in order to make it look more impressive to … well, whoever you’re trying to impress. The character of your big-shot signatories is critical, because the media, and “the court of public opinion,” and your potential major philanthropic backers, are going to judge you by the company you keep.

Mike’s anti-censorship coalition has been carrying out this process by “consensus,” under the watchful eye and firm hand of Mike. Mike is not the “leader” of this coalition, which is totally leaderless and democratic, of course. He is just the “facilitator,” who explains the objectives, makes the final decisions, polices people’s speech, and excommunicates suppressive persons whose dissension-sowing threatens to disrupt the “atmosphere of mutual respect” that Mike feels he needs to “maintain” in the group chat.

Yes, Mike has a little control-freak problem. Many non-leader leaders of “movements” do. If you’ve ever been involved in political activism, you know what I mean. If you haven’t, count your blessings.

Anyway, the Hunt for VIP Signatories has been awkward, due to (a) the need to maintain the appearance of “decision-by-consensus” in the coalition’s totally non-hierarchical group chat, (b) concern among various coalition members about including “divisive” VIPs, and (c) Mike’s behind-the-scenes machinations.

For example, at one point, I offered to contact one of the only VIPs I know to ask him for help with further VIP outreach. Mike jumped into the chat and quashed that idea, as I had made it clear that I was not willing to try to dictate to this Very Important Person who he should and shouldn’t reach out to for us. Days or weeks later — I can’t remember exactly — one of Mike’s employees wrote to me sub rosa and gave me the secret go-ahead from Mike. So, I reached out to this VIP, who then reached out to some other VIPs, many of whom were happy to sign, and some of whom offered to help with further outreach.

Panic broke out at Coalition HQ. Some of the Very Important Persons that my Very Important Person had invited were potentially Divisive Persons, who hadn’t been vetted by consensus on the coalition’s VIP-vetting spreadsheet. (I kid you not, there’s an actual spreadsheet.) So, I was asked to reach out to my VIP and instruct him to cease and desist with further outreach before he reached out to further Divisive Persons, who might reach out to further Divisive Persons, at which point, everything might spin out of control! Needless to say, I declined to do that.

If you’re wondering about exactly who qualifies as a “Divisive Person” in the coalition … well, certainly not Very Important Persons like Richard Dawkins, who in 2021 compared folks who “refused” the Covid “vaccines” to “faith-heads releasing rattlesnakes in supermarkets”…

But later admitted that “mistakes may have been made” …

Or fanatical New Normalist Slavoj Žižek …

You can watch Slavoj getting extremely worked up in support of Covid “vaccine” mandates, and mocking people who care about “silly” things like their personal bodily autonomy, with Briahna Joy Gray in 2021, if you think you have the stomach for it …

VIPs like Dawkins and Žižek are not “divisive.” They are very important A-list persons who are committed to universal human rights, and freedom of speech, and all that kind of stuff, unless, of course, the authorities announce that they need to go full-blown totalitarian and lock down and segregate and censor everyone because of a virus with a 99.8% survival rate, in which case, you know, “Sieg fucking Heil!”

Russell Brand, however, is definitely “divisive.” You remember Russell Brand from that poster above advertising the big event in London, don’t you? Here’s our friend Russell Brand today …

The Russell-Brand-cancellation op was what sealed my fate with Mike’s free speech movement. I had been holding my nose for quite a while — for example, I never opposed having people like Dawkins and Žižek on the signatories list, as I understood the PR logic — and I was praying that none of the coalition members would bring up “the revelations” (as one of them put it), but the odds of that not happening were poor. Sure enough, someone brought Brand up, and someone checked, and he had been asked to sign on, but as of Saturday he hadn’t responded, at least not according to the VIP-vetting spreadsheet. So that was obviously a huge relief. However, what if he responded now (i.e., post-“revelations”) and wanted to sign? Should he still be allowed to? A “risk assessment” was suggested.

And, OK, I got a little snarky and proposed that we skip the “risk assessment” and all the other PR-strategizing bullshit and just uphold the principles we are claiming to defend.

Whereupon Mike Shellenberger needed to reach me, urgently, presumably to shout at me and threaten me again. I’d had an earlier such phone call from Mike, when I criticized his sucking up to Elon Musk and suggested that it made us look not quite neutral. Mike called me at home, apoplectic, that time, and threatened to kick me out of the club if I didn’t toe the line, which I found sort of funny, and a bit disturbing, but nothing I couldn’t handle. I have known a lot of control freaks in my day. And Mike has done, and is still doing, a lot of great work. And we all have our character flaws, don’t we?

Anyway, I wasn’t in the mood for another screaming, threatening conversation with Mike, as I was still at my friend’s converted monastery in Italy, and I finally had a peaceful day to myself. (The Italian workmen who are jackhammering big holes in the monastery walls don’t work on the weekends.) I decided I would call him back later.

Next thing I knew, I was excommunicated.

I’m not a professional movement builder, but I’m pretty sure this is not how you do it. I don’t mean my excommunication. I mean the suffocating top-down micromanagement, and the PR-strategizing, and the VIP-idolatry, and the paranoia about alienating mainstream people who are going to be alienated anyway, regardless of how many Hollywood celebrities and Harvard professors you dangle in their faces. The simple fact is, playing by the rules of the system and the “reality” you claim to be opposing a recipe for failure. Or, worse than failure, a diversion, the simulation of success. Which is where I’m afraid Mike’s “movement” is headed.

Movements are not PR campaigns. Yes, of course, some PR is involved, but the masses are not your employees. And they aren’t CGI extras in your narcissistic movie. They are actual living, breathing people, people who do not need us to lead them. Basically, the masses don’t give a shit what Richard Dawkins and Slavoj Žižek endorse. The editors of “respected” publications like The New Yorker and The New York Times give a shit, but the masses don’t give a shit about them. If you are going to “build a movement” to oppose the Censorship Industrial Complex (which Mike claims he wants to do), at some point, you’re going to have to alienate some of your friends and colleagues in NormalWorld and get your hands dirty and connect with the masses, or the “people that no one has ever heard of,” as Mike calls them.

The people that no one has ever heard of are not stupid. They know the difference between a serious anti-censorship campaign and a vanity project. There’s still time for Mike to turn this thing around, let go of the reins, stop sucking up to the mainstream establishment, and reach out to the masses. Honestly, I hope he will. I wish him and the London gang success. There are millions of people out there who would get on board with a grassroots campaign opposing the Censorship Industrial Complex, but, to get them on board, you have to let go of the wheel and let them steer the ship.

The irony is, when you’re “building a movement,” when you know you are succeeding is when you lose control of it, when the movement doesn’t need you to “lead” it, when it starts moving in directions you never imagined and starts doing things you never intended. But you can’t get there if you suffocate it in its infancy, if you are so obsessed with maintaining control that you snuff out every idea and impulse that doesn’t conform to your vision of it.

Mike means well. He’s got a good heart. And he’s a fighter. All of which I respect. I hope he can learn that lesson, quickly. Perhaps the thing he has set in motion will teach it to him as things progress. We could certainly do with an actual global grassroots anti-censorship movement. I hope Mike and the gang can unclench their anal sphincters a bit and help get us there.

Oh, and regarding Russell Brand. I don’t know Russell Brand. I have absolutely no idea what he has or hasn’t done. Neither do you, probably. Which is not the point. The point is the current global-capitalist crackdown on dissent, which is in full-swing. Russell Brand is just the latest head on a spike, alongside the heads of Assange, Snowden, Trump, Corbyn, Carlson, et al. They are greasing up a spike for Bobby Kennedy’s head, and the head of anyone else who challenges them, even people that no one has ever heard of, like me.

I think Max Blumenthal made the point succinctly …

… but, you know, Max is a Russian-sponsored, Covid-denying, conspiracy-theorizing, Trump-loving, transphobic, anti-Semitic Jew, who raped his neighbor’s hamster … or whatever. But then, who among us isn’t, these days?


CJ Hopkins
September 20, 2023

DISCLAIMER: The preceding essay is entirely the work of our in-house satirist and self-appointed political pundit, CJ Hopkins, and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Consent Factory, Inc., or its staff, or any of its agents, subsidiaries, or assigns. If, for whatever inexplicable reason, you appreciate Mr. Hopkins’ work and would like to support it, please go to his Substack page, or his Patreon page, or send a contribution to his PayPal account, so that maybe he’ll stop coming around our offices trying to hit our employees up for money. Alternatively, you could purchase his satirical dystopian sci-fi novel, Zone 23, or Volumes I, II, and III of his Consent Factory Essays, or any of his subversive stage plays, which won some awards in Great Britain and Australia. If you do not appreciate Mr. Hopkins’ work and would like to write him an abusive email, feel free to contact him directly.

10 thoughts on “Mr. Mike’s Mondo Imbroglio, or: How Not to Launch a Global Anti-Censorship Movement

  1. C.J., I admire your clarity. I thought this was right to the point, “And, OK, I got a little snarky and proposed that we skip the “risk assessment” and all the other PR-strategizing bullshit and just uphold the principles we are claiming to defend.” Also, “The simple fact is, playing by the rules of the system and the “reality” you claim to be opposing is a recipe for failure.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think you’re being more than a little disingenuous here, CJ.

    Man up and admit it: the reason you’ve been terminated with extreme prejudice from the Fifthian Cluster is that you were simply unwilling to appropriately– which is to say, enthusiastically– twinkle during the proceedings. 🤗 🤨


  3. This is SO important, C.J. What you’re doing is absolutely essential, exposing all of these phoney, self-righteous ‘defenders’ of freedom of speech, personal liberty and bodily autonomy… who marched (and continue to march) in lockstep with the Covid lockdowns, ‘vaccine’ mandates, digital passports, digital currencies, 15-minute cities… This might not make you popular with them, but it sure as does with me. All of their instincts are backwards. The trouble is, there seems to be more of them than there are of us.

    “Those who lack the courage will always find a philosophy to justify it.”
    – Albert Camus

    Liked by 1 person

  4. “There are millions of people out there who would get on board with a grassroots campaign opposing the Censorship Industrial Complex, but, to get them on board, you have to let go of the wheel and let them steer the ship.”
    So true.
    I wish that I had a witty reply, like Ort above, but alas.


  5. If a third world war happens, everybody will be destroyed.

    There will not be somebody left even to write the history of what happened after a nuclear war.

    Yet already there is a deadly global world war happening.

    The war of the psychopath globalists oligarchs that is destroying the lives, the prosperity and the health of millions of global citizens of once proud democratic sovereign nations.

    All in the name of a WEF ‘Great Reset’ a Marxist digital global control capture.

    The globalist will to dominate comes out of an inferiority complex.

    They want to dominate humanity.

    They pretend to be freedom loving, lawful and democratically concerned, but continue to use such illegal, unconscious methods for complete control as fear based threats, forced coercion, suppression of human rights, social cancellation and full spectrum psychological psyops.

    Do they respect the individual?

    Do they respect individuals’ differences, their freedom of expression, their freedom of creativity?

    Within their terrorist agenda, we find only evil, impurity and untruth.

    We urgently must fully expose their unconscious and criminal roots.

    Where and how has this evil manifested?

    Who is the central figure from whom these poisons emanate – Klaus Schwab?

    If you really want to bring about a transformative revolution to our lives, you must go deep into their criminal roots.

    Why did we give our power to these totalitarian globalists?

    They do not wish you to experience freedom in any form, they want only that you become their slaves, because the more you are enslaved to them, the more easily you will be fully exploited.

    Remember this, your inner being does not ever follow imposed forced behavior.

    True behavioral change follows from your inner being.

    The roots of conscious behavior are in your inner being.

    Therefore any counterfeit authorities effort to try to change your individual behavior inevitably can only take the form of outer suppression.

    By forcibly imposing on the mind that which is not really there using fear.

    Yet what this suppression will truly bring about is a hardened determination, violent uprisings and rebellion.

    What is suppression anyway?

    Suppression is not allowing spontaneous feelings to grow in the inner being and not allowing their expression.

    Crippling a sense of well being through a fear based obedience that has been imposed.

    Madness is the natural outcome of a civilization based on this kind of false, hollow morality.

    The last two great wars were this kind of madness and we are heading towards a third, perhaps the final conflict.

    How can freedom be achieved by suppression?

    Nobody can lead a moral and natural life because of suppression and one day will simply succumb to the tension.

    No doubt those who resort to hypocrisy save themselves from this inner conflict.

    To survive if they pretend to be what they are not.

    Hypocrisy too is born out of morality based on suppression.

    America is the most hypocritical, stupid and dishonest society today in the world, and the most dangerous to the human future.

    And we are witnessing the final catastrophic days of a full speed suicidal collapse.

    Nothing can save them.

    In spite of the dangers we have to take steps to change this situation.

    Then what shall we do?

    Simply become a witness, standing aloof and apart, as if you have no interest other than knowing and watching.

    The moment a purpose creeps in, the moment a choice or a judgment comes in, observation comes to an end.

    Then you are not observing; then you have begun to think.

    Please try to understand the difference between thinking and observation.

    In this process we are not to think.

    Then the unconscious reveals its secrets, not to thought but to observation

    Self knowledge is virtue; ignorance is evil.

    Evil cannot bear knowledge.

    When Socrates said, “Knowledge is virtue,” he conveyed this very thing.

    Light is morality; darkness, immorality.

    Only the individual that has been awakened by self-knowledge is naturally moral.

    They do not have to cultivate morality.

    Good conduct is not based on opposition to their unconscious mind but comes out of the fullness of their inner being.

    Look at the potential transformation of humanity from the standpoint of this inner revolution.

    From meditation to observation.

    From observation to self knowing.

    From self knowing to freedom, this is the path.

    Penetration of the unconscious by the conscious.

    Only then will those blind, unconscious impulses of globalists be visible, because they can only exist as slave masters on the condition of a sleeping, blind and deluded humanity.

    They cannot exist before a state of awakened consciousness.

    Our awakening is their demise!


  6. I 100% agree with young Max on this occasion.

    More importantly the UK quietly passed the ‘controversial’ online safety while we were shell-shocked by Russell Brand’s bold and some might say ludicrous taste in haircuts.

    “But she added it was imperative that campaigners press for a public commitment that the “unchecked and unprecedented power” in the bill to undermine private communications would not be used.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The bill as the article presents it does contain a lot of value in terms of protecting children, but the devil is in the details of how it is implemented. And the track record for how that might go based on the last half dozen years of censorship and suppression (and Britain’s slide into “anti hate-speech” that borders on fascism) is not good, as you implied.


  7. Well done in standing up to the bully. I was blocked by a senior climate sceptic for referring to him as Mickey Shillinburger due to his intense promotion of the nuclear industry.

    I have no confidence in any of your head spike victims because they are establishment figures. Corbyn conned his way onto the leadership ballot and 100% changed his position on Brexit. From one extreme to another. I have no interest in politics because it is now so radioactively corrupt no one could survive contact with it. I simply observe.

    Franz Kafka

    “And you are watching, are one of the watchmen, you find the next one by brandishing a burning stick from the brushwood pile beside you.
    Why are you watching? Someone must watch, it is said. Someone must be there”.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Brilliant, I hope Mr. Shellenberger, who I admire for the quality of his output and thought, will reflect on your critique and make some changes. As always you have a way with words, but at least I know now to attribute it to your natural gifts and hard work, and not to lingering influence of “the Academie”. Sometimes you remind me of those old testament prophets whose ethical reflections would often (and more or less as “cause and effect”) precede those major upheavals where miscreant idolatrous culture gets what it deserves, good and hard.


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