The Consent Factory

So, Matt Taibbi is going after the Consent Factory. No, not my blog. The actual Consent Factory. The unimaginably powerful, mostly decentralized, global-capitalist propaganda apparatus that manufactures what passes for “reality” in our increasingly totalitarian age. Or he is going after the U.S. division of it, anyway.

Needless to say, I’m pretty excited.

Why am I so excited, you ask? Haven’t I been hopping up and down and bouncing off the walls of my enclosure hooting and screeching about how the so-called “Twitter Files” are a “limited hangout” and hurling verbal feces at all and sundry involved like an agitated baboon?

Well, yes, in fact, I have. And I intend to keep on doing that. But here’s what I’m excited about. Pay close attention to the job description in Matt’s recent help-wanted ad for freelancers:

“[W]e’re trying to map a new wing of the U.S. government’s propaganda apparatus that popped into view thanks to the Twitter Files. State-directed censorship is scary, but the more disturbing activity we’re seeing inside companies like Twitter involves what you might call ‘offensive’ information operations, a type of aggressive official messaging that all governments practice but is supposed to be restricted by law in the United States.”

Matt goes on to explain the background of the project:

“In a remarkably short time since the end of the Obama presidency, the U.S. government has funded an elaborate network of NGOs and think-tanks whose researchers call themselves independent ‘disinformation experts.’ They describe their posture as defensive — merely ‘tracking’ or ‘countering’ foreign disinformation — but in truth they aggressively court both the domestic news media and platforms like Twitter, often becoming both the sources for news stories and/or the referring authorities for censorship requests. The end result has been relentless censorship of, and mountains of (often deceptive) state-sponsored propaganda about, legitimate American political activity.”

OK, sure, Matt’s Racket News project will almost certainly be limited in scope to operations in the United States, and will probably still be a limited hangout to the degree that it presents a propaganda/disinformation/censorship model wherein power flows downward from the U.S. government to the corporate media and social-media corporations in the outmoded despotic (i.e., Orwellian) fashion that everyone is used to understanding the functioning of oppressive power according to, and I’ll definitely hoot and screech about that. However, at least as far as I’m aware, this project will be the first attempt by any high-profile independent journalist to investigate and report on an essential component of the aforementioned official-propaganda apparatus in any kind of systematic manner (“systematic” being the important term here, as we’re talking about a cohesive system, and not a series of arbitrary individual actions).

Or at least that sounds like what Matt has in mind.

If Matt and the Racket team pull this off, it will be quite a journalistic accomplishment, which will be totally ignored, perfunctorily dismissed, branded “far-right disinformation,” and then methodically visibility filtered by the official propaganda-and-disinformation apparatus that the project intends to expose a part of. That is, unless they are extremely careful, and restrict their reporting to certain designated areas within the Consent Factory campus, in which case, well … you know, awards, book deals, television appearances, the whole nine yards.

I like and respect Matt, and I’d like to see that happen for him. So, I want to do what I can to help. I am not a researcher or an infographics designer, but I thought I could point out some “no-go zones” that he and his team will need to avoid if they want to preserve any chance in hell of not being formally excommunicated from the Church of Seriousness and cast out into the Outer Darkness of the Nethernet where David Icke and Alex Jones hang out and you don’t show up on Google searches.

OK, the first and most important thing that Matt and his team will need to avoid is the fact that the U.S. government is not what has been waging a global War on Dissent, and a global War on Populism, and conducting a global Gleichschaltung campaign whereby societies throughout the world are being ideologically “synchronized” and purged of any and all forms of deviance from global-capitalist ideology since approximately the Summer of 2016. So they will need to stick to the domestic U.S. story and ignore all that “global-capitalism” stuff … which, OK, that could get kind of awkward, given the existence of the rest of the world.

In order to successfully ignore all that stuff — which, knowing Matt, he will be tempted to delve into — they will absolutely need to commit to not hiring a slew of international researchers and convincing Elon Musk to grant them access to the global “Twitter Files” from countries like the U.K., Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Australia, Canada, et cetera, so that they can report on how the global-capitalist propaganda apparatus operated in virtually perfect lockstep, globally, from 2020 to 2022, and is still operating, in virtually perfect lockstep, globally, right this very minute.

That means they will need to give a wide berth to the official Covid-pandemic narrative and all the government and corporate propaganda and visibility-filtering connected therewith, which was clearly a global enterprise of which the U.S. government was only one part. They will need to pretend that some sort of “Chinese wall” exists between the stories of the PSYOP commonly known as “Russiagate” (a/k/a The War on Populism) and the PSYOP commonly known as “the Pandemic,” and report on the former as if the latter had almost nothing to do with the former, and were not an extension and evolution of the former, as the former was an extension of the War on Terror, which they will also need to give a wide berth to, or else the history of the last 33 years might end up looking like the evolution of some globally hegemonic system (like, for example, global capitalism) toward some ultimate totalitarian morphology.

Basically, they will need to avoid the whole “global-capitalism” thing entirely and report their story as if the world were comprised of competing sovereign nation-states that were acting in their national interests, and for the benefit of their citizens, and so on, and not just a bunch of interdependent global-capitalist administrative entities staffed by fascist maniacs and greedy, half-witted functionaries who couldn’t care less about their fellow citizens, much less their so-called “democratic rights,” and who would gladly establish a global market for their children’s organs if they thought they could get away with it.

Opening up that can of worms would lead them straight into the heart of the Consent Factory (again, not my little blog, but the decentralized, supranational network of governments, global corporations, non-governmental governing entities, financial behemoths, corporate and state media, the majority of the Culture Industry, et cetera). Once inside, they could get lost in there forever, crawling down rabbit holes, pulling at strings, unraveling something that can never be unraveled, or not completely in any event, and which most people don’t want to see unraveled, not even just a little bit, because, once you see it, you can’t unsee it, and soon you start to see it everywhere, and before you know it you end up raving about the CIA assassinating Kennedy, or NATO blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines, or neo-Nazis in the Ukraine, or whatever.

Another area that Matt and his Racket team will need to studiously avoid when digging through the “Twitter Files” that Elon Musk is granting them unrestricted and unconditional access to is any evidence of how the new Free-Speech Twitter is continuing, and actually intensifying, its visibility-filtering of political speech … especially political speech that does not fit neatly into a red/blue paradigm, or that reminds the public about how the Covid-PSYOP was a global PSYOP that was rolled out all at once, globally, and not just a series of “well-intentioned overreactions” and “mistakes,” and so on.

Reporting on Twitter’s current and intensified censorship and visibility-filtering activities (and whichever other entities are currently involved therewith) will only detract from the reporting on Twitter’s former censorship and visibility-filtering activities (and the other entities involved therewith), and confuse people, and leave them feeling hopeless, and depressed, and suspicious of the actual motives of its owner, a billionaire military/Intelligence community contractor.

I know Matt, so I know it will be hard to resist the temptation to delve into all these forbidden areas of inquiry and “no-go” zones, and stick to the past-tense domestic story, but, as a friend and colleague who has been consigned to the aforementioned ignominious Nethernet, I would urge him to exercise some self-discipline and refrain from any such reckless delving. He is not going to do anyone any good by going full-Howard Beale on Substack, and getting himself and Glenn Greenwald horridly machine-gunned to death on System Update by GloboCap-sponsored Bolsonaran guerillas. And the story he’s setting out to report will be a big, fat, big-titted hit in itself! There’s no need to go after the entire Consent Factory and depress the living hell out of everyone. After all, that’s what blogs like the Consent Factory are for.


CJ Hopkins
February 13, 2023
Photos: Google, Twitter

DISCLAIMER: The preceding essay is entirely the work of our in-house satirist and self-appointed political pundit, CJ Hopkins, and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Consent Factory, Inc., or its staff, or any of its agents, subsidiaries, or assigns. If, for whatever inexplicable reason, you appreciate Mr. Hopkins’ work and would like to support it, please go to his Substack page, or his Patreon page, or send a contribution to his PayPal account, so that maybe he’ll stop coming around our offices trying to hit our employees up for money. Alternatively, you could purchase his satirical dystopian sci-fi novel, Zone 23, or Volumes I, II, and III of his Consent Factory Essays, or any of his subversive stage plays, which won some awards in Great Britain and Australia. If you do not appreciate Mr. Hopkins’ work and would like to write him an abusive email, feel free to contact him directly.

7 thoughts on “The Consent Factory

  1. I too like Matt Taibbi. I subscribe to Matt and will likely continue my subscription. But I know the limits of Matt’s rage against Globocap. It’s sort of like Bob and Doug McKenzie’s spit fight:


  2. The Joe Rogan/Matt Taibbi interview shows that the two have nothing to worry about, as all the security state’s secrets will be safe.


  3. You don’t publish posts that go against the (apparently very) narrow rails you yourself are bouncing between. Your either a fake, or paranoid scared. I’ll help make that clear to people.


  4. As paranoia devolves, I see this post as from a bot using my files of gmail and youtube to “create” something that I “could” have written myself, as I am so pleased seeing my own point of view being brilliantly exposed in this screed, that of course worries the mainstream as “too radical.” Here we are, together, spinning words in a maelstrom of civilization going down the drain….


  5. The Declaration of Human Rights basically means that humanity still lives in many kinds of slavery.

    Otherwise, there would be no need for the Declaration.

    The very need indicates that people have been deceived for thousands of years.

    We has been deceived in such a cunning way that unless we rise above ourselves, we cannot see in what invisible chains we are living, in what bondage, in what invisible prisons we are confined!

    The whole history of politics consists only of two things: war and preparation for war.

    Politics, for centuries, has been just killing, destroying people.

    It seems that inside the politician, a psychopath instinct is very powerful.

    Its only joy is to destroy, to dominate.

    It is out of fear that a politician wants power.

    It is to hide their fear that they become interested in power trips.

    They want great power so that they can feel that there is no fear, “at least not for me.”

    All fear is basically death-oriented.

    Whatsoever its form, mode, whatsoever its shape, name, all fear is death-oriented.

    Recognize that all politicians are deep down unconsciously terrified of their own deaths, paranoid.

    They constantly live in fear, fear is their problem.

    And because all the politicians live in fear, they are creating a world of paranoia, a fear-oriented world.

    All the Americans politicians are so afraid of the Russians rising in power that seventy, eighty percent of their energy is going into creating, planning and fighting the illegal NATO/US/UK war of aggression against Russia.

    Their demented president and his terrorist government have now broken international law by destroying the NORD Stream pipeline!

    Is China next?

    This is so foolish, who is going to stop all this?

    This same energy can make the earth a paradise.

    There is no need for anybody to be poor in the world anymore.

    And if people remain poor, it is only because of these foolish politicians, these fear-oriented politicians.

    Is nobody interested in finding out what our priority should be?

    Is nobody interested in human life?

    When continuously around the world people are dying of hunger, lack of clean drinking water, from poverty from created mRNA vaccination sickness.

    Politicians certainly need exposure because as far as I can see, if politicians are exposed completely, humanity, for the first time, will be able to be free from politics.

    Going around the world from one nation to another,

    I have seen that every nation has been turned into a digital concentration camp by these globalist politicians.

    Real political freedom can exist only when there is economic freedom.

    Economic freedom has to be the fundamental freedom.

    Once you destroy economic freedom, political freedom disappears; and when political freedom disappears, religious freedom disappears.

    They are all connected together.

    If freedom is to exist in the world, it has to exist in its multi-dimensions – religious, political, economic.

    It cannot exist only as political; it cannot exist only as economic.

    Freedom is one phenomenon.

    It has multi-dimensions to it, but they are all interlinked.

    Just think of a country which allows no economic freedom.

    How can it be politically free?

    That’s why communism cannot create freedom.

    It creates “equality”.

    Equality means people’s freedom to be unequal has been taken away.

    Equality means people who can earn more, who have the talents to earn more, will not be allowed to earn more.

    And there are people who have the talents.

    Capitalism is the natural evolution of human society.

    The most fundamental error that Karl Marx committed was that he was not at all aware of the psychological inequality of human beings.

    Communism lacks something very fundamental, the perspective that people are unequal psychologically.

    A fair and free world has to give people full freedom to be unequal, to move into their own unique talents, to be themselves

    But politicians are not concerned at all what happens to humanity.

    Their concern is whether power remains in their hands or not.

    Yet everything has deteriorated in their hands, truth, freedom, integrity, honesty, everything of value has just become a commodity to be corrupted by them.

    They will sacrifice their whole country, condemn the whole world to death, just to have more power, more nuclear weapons!

    It is a very insane kind of society that we have created.

    Its insanity has come now to a high peak, there is no going back.

    It seems we are all sitting on a nuclear volcano which can explode any moment.

    I want to see humanity without being governed by anybody, because each government basically means slavery.

    Power should be distributed to everybody.

    It should be decentralized, there is no need for power to be centralized.

    Centralized, power is bound to corrupt.

    With power decentralized, everybody is powerful in their own way.

    So what is the need of having politicians or political parties?

    Their lust for power has come to the climax.

    They are absolutely prepared to destroy each other, to destroy the whole world, life itself, everything.

    They are the real criminals.

    Before they succeed in committing a global suicide, at least you should have known the intelligence that exists within you.

    The time is very short and the work is tremendous, but if you have courage, the challenge can be accepted.

    Don’t depend on politicians, they cannot do anything, they are not even aware of where they have been leading humanity, into what darkness.

    Before the outside world is destroyed by your politicians, enter your inner world.

    Know yourself.

    Be yourself.

    Use your intelligence.

    Share your joy, your silence and your laughter to anybody and everybody you come in contact with.

    You cannot give a better gift to your friends, to your acquaintances, to your lovers, to your children.

    Spirituality is your hidden treasure.

    You have not yet recognized it, but it is here-now already in you.

    You are the treasure.

    The ultimate is here-now, it is already the case.

    Only a certain awakening is needed.

    If you can put aside your mind.

    You are already the truth.

    The moment you have no mind, the past has disappeared.

    You have transcended history, now there is no society, no narrative, no religion, no scripture, no tradition, because they all have their abode in the mind.

    Now there is no past, no future, because past and future are part of the mind, the memory and the imagination.

    Then you are here and now in the present.

    There will be now and now and now – the eternal now.

    Then you are freed completely, you transcend all tradition, all divisions, all history, body, mind, everything.

    Here-now, this very moment, you are that which is known as divine.

    You have not to go anywhere else.

    You are already that which you want to be.

    It is not an attainment, but a discovery.

    Nothing that is to be achieved somewhere in the future.

    You have only to go into yourself, and that going in, is possible this very moment.


    1. We need to discuss what “equality” is and come to understand what works for 8 billion people with different skills and abilities, all being a part of the whole. No one needs to deny equality exists, we are talking about a “spiritual value” of living beings, including all life on the planet, thanking Nature for a carrot, or a tomato to nourish our material existence, and seeing ourselves in a web of life that includes all beings. Equally “allowed” to exist.


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