The New Normal (Phase 2)

So, we’re almost a year into the “New Normal” (a/k/a “pathologized totalitarianism”) and things are still looking … well, pretty totalitarian.

Most of Western Europe is still in “lockdown,” or “under curfew,” or in some other state of “health emergency.” Police are fining and arresting people for “being outdoors without a valid reason.” Protest is still banned. Dissent is still censored. The official propaganda is relentless. Governments are ruling by edict, subjecting people to an ever-changing series of increasingly absurd restrictions of the most fundamental aspects of everyday life.

And now, the campaign to “vaccinate” the entirety of humanity against a virus that causes mild to moderate flu-like symptoms or, more commonly, no symptoms at all, in over 95% of those infected, and that over 99% of the infected survive (and that has no real effect on age-adjusted death rates, and the mortality profile of which is more or less identical to the normal mortality profile) is being waged with literally religious fervor.

“Vaccine passports” (which are definitely creepy, but which bear no resemblance to Aryan Ancestry Certificates, or any other fascistic apartheid-type documents, so don’t even think about making such a comparison!) are in the pipeline in a number of countries. They have already been rolled out in Israel.

In other words, as predicted by us “conspiracy theorists,” the “temporary emergency public health measures” implemented by GloboCap in March of 2020 are still very much in effect, and then some. That said, as you have probably noticed, the tenor of things is shifting a bit, which is unsurprising, as GloboCap is now making the transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2 of the “New Normal” roll-out.

Phase 1 was pretty much classic “shock and awe.” An “apocalyptic virus” was “discovered.” A global “state of emergency” was declared. Constitutional rights were cancelled. Soldiers, police, surveillance cameras, military drones, and robot dogs were deployed to implement the worldwide police state. The masses were bombarded with official propaganda, photos of people dropping dead in the street, unconscious patients dying in agony, bodies being stuffed into makeshift morgue trucks, hospital ships, ICU horror stories, projections of hundreds of millions of deaths, terror-inducing Orwellian slogans, sentimental “war effort” billboards, and so on. The full force of the most formidable Goebbelsian propaganda machine in history was unleashed on the public all at once. (See, e.g., CNN, NPR, CNBC, The New York Times, The Guardian, The Atlantic, Forbes, and other “authoritative” sources like the IMF and the World Bank Group, the WEF, UN, WHO, CDC.)

But the “shock and awe” phase can’t go on forever, nor is it ever intended to. Its purpose is (a) to terrorize the targeted masses into a state of submission, (b) to irreversibly destabilize their society, so that it can be radically “restructured,” and (c) to convincingly demonstrate an overwhelming superiority of force, so that resistance is rendered inconceivable. This shock and awe (or “rapid dominance”) tactic has been deployed by empires, and aspiring empires, throughout the course of military history. It has just been deployed by GloboCap against … well, against the entire world. And now, that phase is coming to an end.

The shape of Phase 2 is not entirely clear yet, but one can make a few logical assumptions. Typically, this is the phase in which the conquering force (in this case, GloboCap) restores “normality” (i.e., a “new normality”) to the society it has just destabilized and terrorized. It installs a new occupation-friendly government, restarts the economy, and otherwise begins the gradual transition from martial law to something resembling “normal” everyday life. It hands out candy bars to kids, financial aid to businesses, power to generals and police, and “freedom” to the shell-shocked public.

This appears to be where we are at the moment. As you’ve probably noticed, the corporate media, government leaders, and medical experts have been making noise about “the end of the pandemic,” or at least “the end of the emergency phase” of it. Suddenly, “some level of Covid is tolerable,” “Zero Covid is unlikely,” et cetera. This is happening pretty much right on cue.

Now that the vaccination push is underway, they are trying to temper the mass paranoia and hatred that they have fomented for over a year with some hope and a vision of a post-crisis future. Governments are carefully relaxing restrictions, making sure we understand that if we don’t obey orders, wear our masks, get our vaccinations, and so on, they will crack down on us again without mercy. They want to ease us into the pathologized-totalitarian future gently, so that it feels like we are being liberated, returning to some semblance of normal life, albeit in a new, more terrifying, perpetually-virus-and-extremist-threatened world.

For example, here in Germany, the government has decided to “return some freedom and trust to the people,” but they are prepared to lock us down “hard” again if they suspect we haven’t “used their trust wisely.” According to the 5-Step Plan, bookshops and florists can reopen this week with a one-person-per-ten-square-meter limit, up to ten people can play non-contact sports, and five people from no more than two households can meet up (and, thus, also play non-contact sports), unless the “incidence rate” of positive PCR tests rises above 100 per thousand, in which case, back to “hard lockdown” we go. Two weeks after that, on March 22, if the “positive-test rate” stays below 50, outdoor restaurant dining can resume, and theaters, cinemas, and opera houses can open. However, if the “positive-test rate” is more than 50 but less than 100, outdoor dining will only be permitted on a strictly pre-booking basis. (One assumes there will be roving goon squads examining restaurants’ booking records and ordering patrons to show their papers.) There are further Kafkaesque conditions in the plan, but I think you get the general idea.

Meanwhile, in the USA, although DC remains under occupation, the Capitol surrounded by razor-wire fences to protect democracy from an imaginary enemy straight out of George Orwell’s 1984, Texas, Mississippi, and a few other states are joining Florida in open rebellion, and allowing people to go out to eat, get together with their families and friends, walk around in public without medical-looking masks, and otherwise go about living their lives in a totally non-anus-clenched-paranoid fashion.

Notwithstanding the outrage of the Covidian Cultists, this development is not of great concern to GloboCap, as the coastal power centers are full-blown “New Normal,” and the liberals who predominantly occupy them have been transformed into paranoid, hysterical zealots who now dedicate a considerable amount of time to hunting down alleged “Covid deniers,” “anti-maskers,” “vaccine refusers,” “white-supremacist extremists,” “conspiracy theorists,” “libertarians,” dead “racist cartoonists,” and anyone else who won’t conform to their pathologized-totalitarian ideology, and obsessively trolling them on social media, or reporting their thoughtcrimes to the Reality Police.

This transformation of the relatively affluent, predominantly liberal, middle/upper classes, and the millions futilely aspiring thereto, into mindlessly-order-following “Good Germans” (or, rather, mindlessly-order-following “New Normals”) has also occurred here in Western Europe, and elsewhere throughout the global capitalist empire, and was one of GloboCap’s main objectives throughout Phase 1 of the “New Normal” roll out. This transformation has been in progress for quite some time, less dramatically and without a virus. It will continue once this virus is gone.

The “New Normal” isn’t just about a virus. The “New Normal” was never just about a virus. You don’t need a new “normal” because of a virus. You need a new “normal” when your current “normal” has outlived its usefulness to those in power, which, in our case, are the global capitalist ruling classes.

I’ve been writing about this for … well, most of my life, and publishing these columns for the last five years, so I’m not going to summarize all that here, but, basically, we’re living through one of those historic transformations of the structure of political power that we usually don’t recognize until after it has occurred … not just a “changing of the guard,” a transformation of the nature of power, how it is exercised, the beliefs it is based on, and the “reality” conjured into being by those beliefs.

This transformation began with the end of the Cold War, when global capitalism became the first globally-hegemonic ideological system in history. The roll-out of the “New Normal” is part of that transformation, not the whole of it, but an essential stage. We are transitioning from an ideological “reality” to a post-ideological, pathologized “reality” … a “reality” in which any and all deviation from official ideology (i.e., “normality”) is no longer a political challenge or threat, but an “illness” or “psychiatric disorder.”

I’m going to be obnoxious and quote myself, so that I don’t have to try to explain this again. Here’s a passage from a recent column:

“A globally-hegemonic system (e.g., global capitalism) has no external enemies, as there is no territory ‘outside’ the system. Its only enemies are within the system, and thus, by definition, are insurgents, also known as ‘terrorists’ and ‘extremists.’ These terms are utterly meaningless, obviously. They are purely strategic, deployed against anyone who deviates from GloboCap’s official ideology … which, in case you were wondering, is called ‘normality’ (or, in our case, currently, ‘New Normality’) … [t]he new breed of ‘terrorists’ do not just hate us for our freedom … they hate us because they hate ‘reality.’ They are no longer our political or ideological opponents … they are suffering from a psychiatric disorder. They no longer need to be argued with or listened to … they need to be ‘treated,’ ‘reeducated,’ and ‘deprogrammed,’ until they accept ‘Reality.'”

As we shift from Phase 1 to Phase 2 of the “New Normal,” the pathologization of political dissent will continue, and intensify, both overtly and subtlely. GloboCap and the corporate media will continue to warn of imminent “attacks on democracy” by imaginary “domestic terrorists,” as well as the old “non-domestic terrorists.” They will also continue to warn of imminent threats posed by exotic viruses, and “variants” of exotic viruses, and permanent “conditions” caused by viruses, and other threats to our bodily fluids. Above all, they will continue to warn of the danger of ingesting “misinformation,” “conspiracy theories,” or any other type of unverified, unauthorized, un-fact-checked content. They will thoroughly diagnose the sources of such content, and exhaustively explain the pathological conditions these sources will clearly be suffering from. They will explore a variety of treatments and cures, and recommend prophylactic measures against potential exposure to these sources.

These multiplicitous “threats to democracy” (i.e., “terrorists,” “viruses,” “misinformation,” “racism,” “sexism,” “homophobia,” “transphobia,” “electoral-system scepticism,” “white-supremacist pancake syrup,” “premeditated pronoun abuse,” “oppositional-defiant-infant masklessness,” “vaccine hesitancy,” “religion,” et cetera) will fuse into a single Goldstein-like enemy which “New Normal” children will be conditioned to reflexively hate and fear, and want to silence, and quarantine off from “normal” society, or “cure” of their “illness” with government-mandated, “safe and effective” pharmaceutical therapies.

But whatever … I wouldn’t worry about that. I’m probably just getting all worked up over nothing. After all, as a lot of my ex-friends will tell you (through their multiple masks and prophylactic face shields), I’m just a paranoid “conspiracy theorist” spreading “unverified misinformation.”


CJ Hopkins
March 8, 2021
Photos: (1) Abir Sultan/EPE/EFE; (2) Ahnenpaß CC BY-SA 3.0; (3) The New York Times

DISCLAIMER: The preceding essay is entirely the work of our in-house satirist and self-appointed political pundit, CJ Hopkins, and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Consent Factory, Inc., its staff, or any of its agents, subsidiaries, or assigns. If, for whatever inexplicable reason, you appreciate Mr. Hopkins’ work and would like to support it, please go to his Substack page, or his Patreon page, or send your contribution to his PayPal account, so that maybe he’ll stop coming around our offices trying to hit our staff up for money. Alternatively, you could purchase his satirical dystopian sci-fi novel, Zone 23, or Volume I or II of his Consent Factory Essays, or any of his unusual stage plays, which won some awards in Great Britain and Australia. If you do not appreciate Mr. Hopkins’ work and would like to write him an abusive email, feel free to contact him directly.

72 thoughts on “The New Normal (Phase 2)

  1. The normalization phase will make sure all their control mechanisms are implemented.
    Once that is achieved, there is no escape from their system. The enslavement process is unstoppable.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This would have been spot on without our president Donald Trump. Our disrupter has upended the plan and is in the final stages of removing the remaining Globalists.


      1. Trump is not an outsider. He is 100% Deep State and part of the problem.

        Trump started out his presidential campaign with two very important issues. First, he argued for the need to “drain the swamp” in Washington D.C.; which included a sharp criticism of Hillary Clinton’s ties to banking elites and globalists. Second, he criticized the fraudulent state of the U.S. economy, pointing out that the stock market was in a massive bubble created by the Federal Reserve ( using near zero interest rates.

        Trump’s first action upon entering the White House was to invite multiple “swamp creatures” into his cabinet, going against his core campaign promise. This was not all that surprising considering his past.

        Trump was saved in the 1990s by Rothchild banking agent Wilber Ross, who bailed him out of his debts tied up in his failing Taj Mahal casino. As soon as Trump wins Wilber Ross was immediately installed as Trump’s commerce secretary ( I ask, who is Trump going to be loyal to? The American people, who can offer him nothing of consequence, or the Rothschilds, who saved his public image and his billion-dollar empire?

        Trump was also “advised” by the likes of Steven Mnuchin formerly of Goldman Sachs, Larry Kudlow formerly of the New York Fed, and John Bolton of the CFR, among others.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Trump started out his presidential campaign with two very important issues. First, he argued for the need to “drain the swamp” in Washington D.C.; which included a sharp criticism of Hillary Clinton’s ties to banking elites and globalists. Second, he criticized the fraudulent state of the U.S. economy, pointing out that the stock market was in a massive bubble created by the Federal Reserve ( using near zero interest rates.

        Trump’s first action upon entering the White House was to invite multiple “swamp creatures” into his cabinet, going against his core campaign promise. This was not all that surprising considering his past.

        Trump was saved in the 1990s by Rothchild banking agent Wilber Ross, who bailed him out of his debts tied up in his failing Taj Mahal casino. As soon as Trump wins Wilber Ross was immediately installed as Trump’s commerce secretary ( I ask, who is Trump going to be loyal to? The American people, who can offer him nothing of consequence, or the Rothschilds, who saved his public image and his billion-dollar empire?

        Trump was also “advised” by the likes of Steven Mnuchin formerly of Goldman Sachs, Larry Kudlow formerly of the New York Fed, and John Bolton of the CFR, among others.


      3. This pandemic exposed a serious but latent sickness, a weakness – the utter mental blindness of too many to the fact that it was really never about a virus or science but about human control & tyranny.


  2. The entire planet has been taken over by some billionaire, satanic monsters (under the disguise of a non-existent, unproven virus), and 99% of the world blindly accept and believe all of the lies about a massively contagious, deadlier than ever virus.. The almost 99% of the world population who are too weak-minded and unintelligent to see the blatantly obvious lie/scam-demic are the ones who are allowing this worldwide terrorization and dehumanization to continue……This has NEVER been about any virus (that we have all only heard about or know about from “TV”). There is no cvd19 (I have begged scientists, doctors, anyone to provide visual photographic/video evidence)….. The strategic control of worldwide mainstream media and the 24 hour a day, non-stop virus talk was the key component to accomplishing the worldwide brainwashing…..
    I will NEVER again watch or trust any media, and I have lost all faith or confidence in the average person having basic intelligence.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. There are patents on covd.patents on nothing are Not granted.It is a frankenvurus bioweapon with 18 h.I.v. Inserts according to researchers.Everyone long ago shouldve been off msm and off basic browsers like google.Tor,brave browser,opera,Fkote app,mewe,minds,anchor,vocaroo,brandnewtube,rumble,bitchute,briteon social,,so many and,,Dr. Cahill,Dr. Tenpenny,Dr. Breggins,Dr. Mercola,Dr. Yeadon.


  3. Excellent—and harrowing—work as always, C.J. To me, that penultimate paragraph is the sinister kicker. The effect this past year will have on the young is what worries me most. An entire generation of youth is being incubated in an ideological factory in which they watch their progressive parents (such a pointless disclaimer—these lemmings would have been fascists in another age) screech and rail against any deviation from the official “narrative.” That hate that all these adults have found so easy to dispense against their ideological “foes” will pass on implicitly to their progeny. I find myself feeling alternately horrified for kids growing up through this, and terrified at how they will have been conditioned to treat those beyond the pale once they hit adulthood and are ready to flex some power of their own. It only gets worse from here, but hey, who’s counting?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There won’t be any long-lasting progeny. The masses are incapable of rational thought in order to formulate an appropriate response to the destroyers and the destroyers will end up cutting off their noses to spite their faces. A destroyer destroys. It’s what he does. The destroyers’ day of reckoning is coming swiftly.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Every day I think about how many of us there are and how few of them there is. Then I question how many useful idiots of the corporatocracy there really are vs how many there appear to be online that are just bullshit bots.

    Then I think of what kowtowing gutless bootlickers we all appear to be and I can’t get a proper take anymore on whether that is a nose-on-your-face obvious truth, or whether it’s just yet more smoke blown in our face by an increasingly desperate very small cohort of sociopaths with the largest psyop-industrial complex ever in the history of our species.

    I don’t have a fucking clue anymore what it is.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Except for a tiny few of us with basic intelligence and common sense. The other 99% can be officially classified as “dumb” at this point if they still believe any of this worldwide tyranny is about a virus.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yep… I’ve already wrote about that realization last year. With the successful deployment of OPERATION COVIDIUS the few know now that they are surrounded by a massive herd of ignorant and irresponsible uman animals, and so…

          Liked by 1 person

    1. So true! ‘They’ really know how to use the system they created to soften and stupefy us into consensual submission and it’s working like a charm.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Grateful for your work as always CJ! Reading you is always a gulp of oxygen. You are braver than me but one day I’ll live up to you.


  6. And also never forget that the SRF & Billionaires final GOAL is to CHANGE Their Planet into a more Livable and Breathable one, and for this They need to CULL… Plenty of sheeple!


  7. CJ, great article as always!

    Only incidentally related – you point out the fact that the big-city liberals in US (and their equivalents elsewhere) have become the new indoctrinated normies.
    I have read a couple of studies (I need to track them down) that show that education actually increase prejudices. I think it’s part of thinking in abstractions and ignoring reality.

    I have not read anyone making the connection but this would also explain the famous conundrum about how could nazism take hold in the most educated and advanced country in Europe.

    I see the perfect parallel here and I expect the same religious fanaticism that made 14 year old boys in Germany fight in Berlin in the last days of the war.

    This knowledge does not give me any idea on how to handle what is to come, but I thought I would share it anyway.


  8. Hi CJ,
    in session 41 of the Corona Ausschuss, Füllmich interviewed a lawyer (lady) who had worked for the WHO at one point.
    she talked about:
    International Health Regulations (IHR) which have existed in one form or another since 1850 in europe.
    OPPOSED TO THAT: Global Health Security Agenda. – as you know, whenever you see “security” in the name… run the other way if you value your freedoms.
    COVID is being used to clamp down on the dirty, unwashed masses, we all know. But it gets better:
    COVID is also being used to finish off the united states as a functional entity
    the cities are going down: telecommuting will devastate commercial real estate and with that, city tax bases.
    no idiot in his wrong mind would run for mayor of New Yawk, LA, Frisco
    The big cities are being written off; the medium and small cities will struggle.
    Unemployment is skyrocketing: technology will throw even more people out of work (see Harari’s “useless class,” composed of Kissinger’s “useless eaters.”)
    as unemployment and homelessness continue to rise, the US economy is moving towards a fully juiced spasm of money “creation.” This is a LAST DESPERATE tactic to keep the lid on for a couple more years.
    As the nation slowly swirls around the drain, the stock markets will be plundered. All that money being handed out by the goverment to the rubes will be drained off by Wall Street.
    I sold most of my stocks today, and will consider careful trading only in my two closely watched stocks… I would not be going for any index funds at this point. The big boys know when they will pull the trigger but they aren’t telling us.
    the last thing to go will be the military – parts of it are needed to keep the underground bunkers aired out and livable. But the overseas parts can and will be sacrificed.
    the “leaders” of the country have no principles and they take orders from people who couldn’t care less about the sovereignty or future of the united states.
    Even country folk are looking at hard times if they don’t run working, self-sufficient ranches or farms. And they better be locked and loaded.


  9. It was good to see the word “destabilize” in this fine article, because destabilization is exactly what being inflicted upon most of the world’s citizenries, especially since March of last year; and in a hundred-or-more
    different ways..

    ..almost like there’s a Plan.


  10. Noah Harari is the mouthpiece for the Davos crowd, and he has written a few books which have been praised to the skies by the likes of Gates, Schwab and Obama.
    Harari writes a kind of pop “history” where he casually explains everything to idiot clueless yuppies who listen to him on via Podcast while commuting to their skyscraper offices.
    Harari is very clear about the rise of the “useless” class which he predicts will become a massive problem 50 years from now.. as if we actually had 50 years left.
    the useless class is here RIGHT NOW and it has recently expanded – from the chronic homeless and underemployed to a new generation of homeless *previously* employed and soon to be evicted. Next up: anybody without a STEM degree who is not working on space or creating virtual reality. We will NEED that virtual reality because the real thing will become increasingly untenable.
    The Davos and Bilderberg clans have written off the US as a sovereign state – next we will be treated to the spectacle of an increasingly isolated and encircled Senate preparing to flee Rome after completely debasing the currency and destroying the government and economy.
    the vultures will then swoop in to pick up the pieces.
    The big cities may well become uninhabitable for families with children.
    this is why Gates, Bezos, et al have been busily buying up cropland. their security forces will be able to patrol the perimeters.
    They should not forget how many small arms there are in the United States.


  11. […] The New Normal (Phase 2) …And now, the campaign to “vaccinate” the entirety of humanity against a virus that causes mild to moderate flu-like symptoms or, more commonly, no symptoms at all, in over 95% of those infected, and that over 99% of the infected survive (and that has no real effect on age-adjusted death rates, and the mortality profile of which is more or less identical to the normal mortality profile) is being waged with literally religious fervor. — Consent Factory, Inc. […]


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